Saturday, December 26, 2009

Politicians Mating on the Beach

The sexual exploits of golf Tiger Woods don't involve a politician. But since they do follow a string of high profile infidelities on the part of elected officials, why not toss him into the mix. And it's a mix that brings up the vision of male elephant seals on the beach fighting to build the biggest harem.

A lot of moral condemnation goes into the response to actions by people like former New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, who was having sex with a prostitute, and the current governor of South Carolina Mark Sanford. (We really don't have to list everyone to prove a point here).

But what if this is nature at work? In the movie, "Jurassic Park," the all-female dinosaur population has evolved to produce off-spring and Sam Neill's character observes that "nature will find a way."

I prefer to say that "Nature will not be denied." Certainly, the spread of pornography on the Internet demonstrates, not loose morals in my opinion, but rather the overwhelming urge to reproduce that has been programmed into us.

So where do Mister Spitzer, Sanford and Wood fit into this. They fit into the category of good breeding stock. If you are nature and want to perpetuate and improve the human race, who better to engage in wide-spread mating than men with ambition, desire and energy (the last seems particular important to me. How these guys do it?)

To say that there is a biological component to this behavior is not to condone it, any more than noting that lionesses will kill lionesses from other prides and that chimpanzees will hunt down and murder other chimps, makes killing people from other groups something we should condone.

But understanding the origins of behavior can lead to better ways of preventing or dealing with it. These are not necessarily people who have fallen away from God, or family. Maybe, they are just doing what comes naturally.

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