Friday, December 7, 2007

Young Women and Old Men: The Right Rx?

Few news items brought joy to a certain generation than a report a few months ago that a scientific study found that men in their sixties who have sex with women in their twenties live longer.

It’s the greatest medical discovery in the last 300 years.

From a practical point of view, it suggests a new weapon in the arsenal of persuasion and as I approach that advanced decade, I decided to take advantage of the latest scientific finding and went to a gathering spot.

“It’s a matter of life and death. Don’t you want to help me live longer honey?”

"That's the most ridiculous line I've ever heard," one young lovely responded.

I immediately produced a newspaper article which bore the headline, “Older Men, Younger Women: Perfect Together.”

“What kind of idiot would write something like that?” she retorted

“Hey, I don’t go calling you names, do I?”

But after I more thoroughly explained the benefits, she thought about and agreed.

“Let’s go to my place.”

“No, let’s go out to dinner first. My doctor said not to do this on an empty stomach.”

So we went out to eat at one of the finest restaurants in town. When the food arrived, she commented, “This is costing you an awful lot.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I replied. “The meal and the hotel room are covered. They’re considered medical expenses.”

Out in the car, we started getting friendly but she got irritated.

“Why do you keep staring at my chest?”

“My doctor told me to take two of those every 12 hours, by mouth.”

But wouldn’t you know it, I had trouble getting her bra off. It was child proof.

However, the night turned out fine and we had a nice time for a few months. But then she said, we shouldn’t see each other any more.

“Wasn’t the sex good?"

“It was great,” she responded. “But I called your doctor and he said you don’t have any refills left.”

1 comment:

L.G. Moore said...

Me? just turned 70...look 60. Her? 43, looks 25..just a knockout..I know it will never work unless I win the lottery worth $100 million. Spending most of my SS checks on lottery tickets, hope springs eternal. What do we have in common?? Nothing, but she is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. That is my cross to bare...lucky for me I am a photographer and she likes to pose day she will cause me to have a heart attack...

Like your story about younger women and older men and their health benefits...maybe I can sell her on that. Love to use the story on my blog if I start one?